{# /** * @file * Theme override for a fieldset element and its children. * * @see template_preprocess_fieldset() * @see claro_preprocess_fieldset() */ #} {% set classes = [ 'fieldset', attributes.hasClass('fieldgroup') ? 'fieldset--group', 'js-form-item', 'form-item', 'js-form-wrapper', 'form-wrapper', ] %} {% set wrapper_classes = [ 'fieldset__wrapper', attributes.hasClass('fieldgroup') ? 'fieldset__wrapper--group', ] %} {% set legend_span_classes = [ 'fieldset__label', attributes.hasClass('fieldgroup') ? 'fieldset__label--group', required ? 'js-form-required', required ? 'form-required', ] %} {% set legend_classes = [ 'fieldset__legend', attributes.hasClass('fieldgroup') and not attributes.hasClass('form-composite') ? 'fieldset__legend--group', attributes.hasClass('form-composite') ? 'fieldset__legend--composite', title_display == 'invisible' ? 'fieldset__legend--invisible' : 'fieldset__legend--visible', ] %} {% set description_classes = [ 'fieldset__description', ] %}
{# Always wrap fieldset legends in a
for CSS positioning. #} {% if legend.title %}
{{ legend.title }}
{% endif %}
{% if inline_items %}
{% endif %} {% if prefix %}
{{ prefix }}
{% endif %} {{ children }} {% if suffix %}
{{ suffix }}
{% endif %} {% if errors %}
{{ errors }}
{% endif %} {% if description.content %}
{{ description.content }}
{% endif %} {% if inline_items %} {% endif %}