Club Member Web Pages

The following are links to members with their own web pages. If you are a club member and would like your page linked here, just send an e-mail with your request to the SARC webmaster using the e-mail button at the bottom of this page. The pages linked to are individual's pages and do not necessarily represent the Sacramento Amateur Radio Club's views or opinions.

K6EKB Ed Braaten
KQ6EO Tom Preston

Club Member E-Mail Links

The following are links to members with e-mail. Clicking on any of the links below should launch your web browser's configured e-mail program with a new message addressed to the selected club member. If you are a club member and would like to have your e-mail address linked here, just send an e-mail with your request to the SARC webmaster.

A - L

M - Z
Ballinger, Les - WA6EQQ
Braaten, Ed - K6EKB
Browning, Bob - K6RWB
Hughes, B. Thomas - WA6ZYK
McDermott, Mike - KF6RUQ
Preston, Tom - KQ6EO
Tribble, Tim - KD6MDV
Wing, Ken - N6MPH

Misc Links

The following are links to interesting sites provided by club members. Again, these sites are not affiliated with the Sacramento Amateur Radio Club and do not represent the club's official views or opinion.


Last updated by KQ6EO 12/31/09