Sacramento Area Nets

Daily12:00:00 Sacramento Noon Net Emergency oriented net at Noon every day of the year by Sacramento Amateur Radio Club -
W6AK 146.910 - 162.2
K6JRB 145.450 - 203.5
Sunday19:30:00 Placer County ARES Net EmComm/Msg Drills
W6EK 145.430 - 162.2
Sunday19:30:00 Berryessa Amateur Repeater "Klub" Net BARK
KE6YUV 146.970 - 123.0
Sunday20:00:00 City of Davis CERT
K6MVR 147.000 - 136.5
Sunday20:00:00 Cal State Sacramento Radio Club Net Net features AR Newsline and the R.A.I.N. Report audio broadcasts
KC6MHT 145.230 - 162.2
KC6MHT 224.220 - 123.0
Monday12:30:00 U.C. Davis Amateur Radio Communications Net U.C. Davis Amateur Radio Communications group
K6JRB 145.450 - 203.5
W6AK 146.910 - 162.2
Monday19:00:00 Sacramento Area Radio Communications Reserve Net
N6ICW 147.195 + 123.0
K6IS 145.190 - 162.2
KB6SJT 224.400 - 136.5
Monday19:30:00 El Dorado ARES Net
AG6AU 147.825 - 82.5
Monday19:30:00 Ham Radio News AR Newsline and The R.A.I.N. Report
N6ICW 147.195 + 123.0
Monday19:30:00 Sacramento Sheriff SHARP Drill
KS6HRP 146.610 - 136.5
Monday20:00:00 Yolo ARES Net
KE6YUV 146.970 + 123.0
N6QDY 147.255 + 123.0
Monday20:30:00 Yolo ARS Club EmComm Drill
K6MVR 147.000 - 136.5
Tuesday19:00:00 Yuba/Sutter ARC Net
WD6AXM 146.085 + 127.3
Tuesday19:00:00 Nevada County ARC 2 Meter net
W6DD 147.285 + 151.4
Tuesday19:05:00 Nevada County ARC HF net immediately after the 2 Meter net
W6DD 28.453
Tuesday20:00:00 El Dorado ARC Net
AG6AU 147.825 - 82.5
Tuesday20:00:00 North Hills Radio Club Amateur Net
K6IS 145.190 - 162.2
K6IS 145.190 - 123.0
Wednesday10:00:00 Western Placer ARC
K6PAC 147.300 + 67.0
Wednesday19:00:00 NorCal SKYWARN Net
K6MVR 147.000 - 136.5
Wednesday19:00:00 El Dorado Skywarn
AG6AU 147.825 - 82.5
Wednesday19:00:00 Elk Grove-Florin ARC
N6NA 145.250 - 162.2
Wednesday19:30:00 Staniwslaus County ARES SARA
WD6EJF 145.390 - 136.5
Wednesday20:00:00 River City ARCS Club Net
N6NA 145.250 - 162.2
Thursday19:00:00 Yuba/Sutter ARES Net
WD6AXM 146.085 + 127.3
Thursday19:30:00 ARRL SV Section Net Second Thursday of the month
WD6AXM 3987 KHz
Thursday19:30:00 Sierra Foothills Radio Group Net
W6EK 145.430 - 162.2
Thursday20:00:00 North Hills Radio Club Net
K6IS 145.190 - 162.2
K6IS 145.190 - 123.0
Thursday20:00:00 Swap Meet with Armand
N6ICW 147.195 + 123.0

Last updated by KQ6EO 08/15/20