Sacramento Blood Source Ham Station and Nets

The Blood Source radio station consists of a Kenwood TS-440S HF radio, 2 meter Kenwood Tm-721A FM radio, and a Icom IC-28A with KPC3+ packet station, powered by an Astron RS-35M and Rigrunner 4012.

The California Blood Bank Society's Amateur Radio Net is conducted every second Wednesday of the month at 1830 hours (6:30 PM). The HF Net is conducted first on 7245 KHz in the summer(DST) and 3880 KHz in the winter(PST) (go up if busy). It is followed immediately by the 2 meter net on the N6ICW repeater on 147.195 + PL of 123.0. Checkins can also be left on the K6QIF-1 packet station on 145.050 at any time.

California Blood Bank Society's Amateur Radio Net roster

North State Blood Banks

Blood Source Sacramento
ARC Blood Services - Oakland
Blood Source Chico
Blood Source Redding
Blood Source Merced
Health Services Richmond
Northern Cal Community Blood Bank - Eureka
Sant Rose Blood Bank

South State Blood Banks

Central california Blood Banks - Fresno
Houchin Community Blood Bank - Bakersfield
Life Stream - San Bernardino
San Diego Blood Bank
Standford Blood Center
Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula

Out of State Blood Banks

United Blood Services - Reno, Nevada

Herb Bennett running the Blood Source Net

Last updated by KQ6EO 3/14/12