Sacramento Vitalant Ham Station and Nets

The Blood Source radio station consists of a Kenwood TS-440S HF radio, 2 meter Kenwood Tm-721A FM radio, and a Icom IC-28A with KPC3+ packet station, powered by an Astron RS-35M and Rigrunner 4012.

Blood Source Radio Station HF
HF Station

Blood Source Radio Station VHF
VHF Station and Power

Blood Source Radio Station Packet
Packet Station

The California Blood Bank Society's Amateur Radio Net is conducted every second Wednesday of the month at 1830 hours (6:30 PM). The HF Net is conducted first on 7245 KHz in the summer(DST) and 3880 KHz in the winter(PST) (go up if busy). It is followed immediately by the 2 meter net on the N6ICW repeater on 147.195 + PL of 123.0. Checkins can also be left on the K6QIF-1 packet station on 145.050 at any time.

Herb Bennett (SK) running the Blood Source Net

Keith Crandall Dedication

California Blood Bank Society's Amateur Radio Net roster

North State Blood Banks

Vitalant Sacramento
ARC Blood Services - Oakland
Vitalant Chico
Vitalant Redding
Vitalant Merced
Health Services Richmond
Northern Cal Community Blood Bank - Eureka
Sant Rose Blood Bank

South State Blood Banks

Central california Blood Banks - Fresno
Houchin Community Blood Bank - Bakersfield
Life Stream - San Bernardino
San Diego Blood Bank
Standford Blood Center
Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula

Out of State Blood Banks

United Blood Services - Reno, Nevada

Last updated by KQ6EO 10/17/18