Drupal advanced integration with the Leaflet JS mapping library.
A Modern, Lightweight Open-Source JavaScript Library for Interactive Web Mapping
Drupal Leaflet module is dependant from the Geofield module.

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Leaflet Version 10

Drupal Community documentation (WIP)

Features and Options

Installation and Use

Require/Download the Leaflet module using Composer, which is simply running the following command from your project package root (where the main composer.json file is sited):

composer require drupal/leaflet

which will also download the required Geofield Module dependency (and GeoPHP library).

Read the instructions in the Readme.md file for further details, on how to enable the Leaflet module and its submodules.

Additional Drupal Integrations

Leaflet module works well with the following modules; D8 version started by RdeBoer of flink, and evolved to maturity by Itamair.

Leaflet Version 7

The Leaflet module features: Some modules that build on Leaflet, adding various features: D7 version originally developed by ThinkShout and @pvhee (from Marzee Labs) with lots of help from the community.