label: 'Adding a new display to an existing view'
- views.overview
- views_ui.edit
{% set views_link_text %}{% trans %}Views{% endtrans %}{% endset %}
{% set views_link = render_var(help_route_link(views_link_text, 'entity.view.collection')) %}
{% set view_edit_topic = render_var(help_topic_link('views_ui.edit')) %}
{% trans %}Goal{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}Add a new display to an existing view. This will allow you to display similar data to an existing view, using similar settings, in a new block, page, feed, etc.{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}Steps{% endtrans %}
- {% trans %}If you are not already editing your view, in the Manage administrative menu, navigate to Structure > {{ views_link }}. Find the view you want to edit, and click its Edit link.{% endtrans %}
- {% trans %}Under Displays, click Add.{% endtrans %}
- {% trans %}In the pop-up list, click the link for the type of display you want to add; the most common types are Page and Block. The new display will be added to your view, and you will be editing that display.{% endtrans %}
- {% trans %}Optionally, click the link next to Display name and enter a new name to be shown for this display in the administrative interface.{% endtrans %}
- {% trans %}Follow the steps in {{ view_edit_topic }} to edit the other settings for the display.{% endtrans %}