{# /** * @file * Default theme implementation for the Appearance page. * * Available variables: * - attributes: HTML attributes for the main container. * - theme_groups: A list of theme groups. Each theme group contains: * - attributes: HTML attributes specific to this theme group. * - title: Title for the theme group. * - state: State of the theme group, e.g. installed or uninstalled. * - themes: A list of themes within the theme group. Each theme contains: * - attributes: HTML attributes specific to this theme. * - screenshot: A screenshot representing the theme. * - description: Description of the theme. * - name: Theme name. * - version: The theme's version number. * - is_default: Boolean indicating whether the theme is the default theme * or not. * - is_admin: Boolean indicating whether the theme is the admin theme or * not. * - notes: Identifies what context this theme is being used in, e.g., * default theme, admin theme. * - incompatible: Text describing any compatibility issues. * - module_dependencies: A list of modules that this theme requires. * - operations: A list of operation links, e.g., Settings, Enable, Disable, * etc. these links should only be displayed if the theme is compatible. * * @see template_preprocess_system_themes_page() * * @ingroup themeable */ #} {% for theme_group in theme_groups %} {% set theme_group_classes = [ 'system-themes-list', 'system-themes-list-' ~ theme_group.state, 'clearfix', ] %}

{{ theme_group.title }}

{% for theme in theme_group.themes %} {% set theme_classes = [ theme.is_default ? 'theme-default', theme.is_admin ? 'theme-admin', 'theme-selector', 'clearfix', ] %} {% if theme.screenshot %} {{ theme.screenshot }} {% endif %}

{{- theme.name }} {{ theme.version -}} {% if theme.notes %} ({{ theme.notes|safe_join(', ') }}) {%- endif -%}

{{ theme.description }}
{% if theme.module_dependencies %}
{{ 'Requires: @module_dependencies'|t({'@module_dependencies': theme.module_dependencies|render}) }}
{% endif %} {# Display operation links if the theme is compatible. #} {% if theme.incompatible %}
{{ theme.incompatible }}
{% else %} {{ theme.operations }} {% endif %}
{% endfor %} {% endfor %}