--- label: 'Editing a content item' related: - node.overview - node.creating_content --- {% set content_link_text %} {% trans %}Content{% endtrans %} {% endset %} {% set content_link = render_var(help_route_link(content_link_text, 'system.admin_content')) %} {% set content_permissions_link_text %} {% trans %}Access the Content overview page{% endtrans %} {% endset %} {% set content_permissions_link = render_var(help_route_link(content_permissions_link_text, 'user.admin_permissions.module', {'modules': 'node'})) %} {% set node_overview_topic = render_var(help_topic_link('node.overview')) %}
{% trans %}Find a content item and edit it, or update a group of content items in bulk. See {{ node_overview_topic }} for more about content types and content items.{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}Users with the {{ content_permissions_link }} permission can use the Content page to find content. Each content type has its own edit permissions. For example, to edit content of type Article, a user would need the Article: Edit own content permission to edit an article they created, or the Article: Edit any content permission to edit an article someone else created. In addition, users with the Bypass content access control or Administer content permission can edit content items of all types. Some contributed modules change the permission structure for editing content.{% endtrans %}