--- label: 'Adding a language' related: - core.translations - language.detect --- {% set languages_text %}{% trans %}Languages{% endtrans %}{% endset %} {% set languages_link = render_var(help_route_link(languages_text, 'entity.configurable_language.collection')) %}

{% trans %}Goal{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Add a language to your site.{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Steps{% endtrans %}

  1. {% trans %}In the Manage administrative menu, navigate to Configuration > Region and language > {{ languages_link }}.{% endtrans %}
  2. {% trans %}Click Add language.{% endtrans %}
  3. {% trans %}If your language is in the Language name list, select it and click Add language.{% endtrans %}
  4. {% trans %}If your language is not in the list, select Custom language... and enter the Language code, Language name, and Direction for the language. Click Add custom language.{% endtrans %}
  5. {% trans %}Wait for the translation system to be updated. Also, if you have the core Update Manager module installed and translations are available for your language, wait for translations to be downloaded. You should be returned to the Languages page when this completes.{% endtrans %}