--- label: 'Moving content between workflow states' related: - workflows.overview - content_moderation.configuring_workflows - core.content_structure --- {% set workflows_overview_topic = render_var(help_topic_link('workflows.overview')) %} {% set content_structure_topic = render_var(help_topic_link('core.content_structure')) %} {% set content_moderation_permissions_link_text %}{% trans %}Content Moderation{% endtrans %}{% endset %} {% set content_moderation_permissions_link = render_var(help_route_link(content_moderation_permissions_link_text, 'user.admin_permissions', {}, {'fragment': 'module-content_moderation'})) %} {% set content_link_text %}{% trans %}Content{% endtrans %}{% endset %} {% set content_link = render_var(help_route_link(content_link_text, 'system.admin_content')) %}
{% trans %}Change the workflow state of a particular entity. See {{ workflows_overview_topic }} for an overview of workflows, and {{ content_structure_topic }} for an overview of content entities.{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}Users with content moderation permissions can change workflow states. There are separate permissions for each transition. See Permissions > {{ content_moderation_permissions_link }} to configure content moderation permissions.{% endtrans %}