--- label: 'Moderating comments' related: - comment.overview - comment.configuring - comment.disabling --- {% set comment_unpublished_link_text %} {% trans %}Unapproved comments{% endtrans %} {% endset %} {% set comment_unpublished_link = render_var(help_route_link(comment_unpublished_link_text, 'comment.admin_approval')) %} {% set comment_published_link_text %} {% trans %}Comments{% endtrans %} {% endset %} {% set comment_published_link = render_var(help_route_link(comment_published_link_text, 'comment.admin')) %} {% set comment_permissions_link_text %} {% trans %}Administer comments and comment settings{% endtrans %} {% endset %} {% set comment_permissions_link = render_var(help_route_link(comment_permissions_link_text, 'user.admin_permissions.module', {'modules': 'comment'})) %}
{% trans %}Decide which comments are shown on the website.{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}Users with the {{ comment_permissions_link }} permission (typically administrators) can moderate comments. You will also need the Access the Content Overview page permission from the Node module (if it is installed) to navigate to the comment management page.{% endtrans %}