* @file
* Theme override for a details element.
* Available variables
* - attributes: A list of HTML attributes for the details element.
* - errors: (optional) Any errors for this details element, may not be set.
* - title: (optional) The title of the element, may not be set.
* - description: (optional) The description of the element, may not be set.
* - children: (optional) The children of the element, may not be set.
* - value: (optional) The value of the element, may not be set.
* - accordion: whether the details element should look as an accordion.
* - accordion_item: whether the details element is an item of an accordion
* list.
* - disabled: whether the details is disabled.
* @see template_preprocess_details()
* @see claro_preprocess_details()
set classes = [
accordion ? 'claro-details--accordion',
accordion_item ? 'claro-details--accordion-item',
element['#module_package_listing'] ? 'claro-details--package-listing',
set content_wrapper_classes = [
accordion ? 'claro-details__wrapper--accordion',
accordion_item ? 'claro-details__wrapper--accordion-item',
element['#module_package_listing'] ? 'claro-details__wrapper--package-listing',
set inner_wrapper_classes = [
accordion ? 'claro-details__content--accordion',
accordion_item ? 'claro-details__content--accordion-item',
element['#module_package_listing'] ? 'claro-details__content--package-listing',
{%- if title -%}
set summary_classes = [
required ? 'js-form-required',
required ? 'form-required',
accordion ? 'claro-details__summary--accordion',
accordion_item ? 'claro-details__summary--accordion-item',
element['#module_package_listing'] ? 'claro-details__summary--package-listing',
{{- title -}}
{%- if required -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% if accordion or accordion_item %}
{% endif %}
{% if errors %}
{{ errors }}
{% endif %}
{%- if description -%}
{{ description }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if children -%}
{{ children }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if value -%}
{{ value }}
{%- endif -%}
{% if accordion or accordion_item %}
{% endif %}