--- label: 'Managing content listings (views)' top_level: true related: - block.overview - views_ui.bulk_operations - user.overview ---

{% trans %}What is a view?{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}A view is a listing of items on your site; for example, a block showing the most recent comments, a page listing news items, or a list of registered users. The listings can be formatted in a table, grid, list, calendar, RSS feed, and other formats (some output formats may require you to install additional contributed modules).{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}What are the components of a view?{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}When you first create a view, you will specify what type of base data is being displayed in the view, which cannot be changed. After choosing a base data type, you can edit the following components, which allow you to specify which data to output, in what order, and in what format:{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}What are bulk operations?{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Views using a table display format can include a bulk operations form, which allows users with sufficient permission to select one or more items from the view and apply an administrative action to them. The bulk actions available are specific to the base data type of the view; for example, a view of content items could support bulk publishing and unpublishing actions. If you have the core Actions UI module installed, see the related topic "Configuring actions" for more about actions.{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Managing views overview{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}The core Views module handles the display of views, and the core Views UI module allows you to create, edit, and delete views in the administrative interface. See the related topics listed below for specific tasks (if the Views UI module is installed).{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Additional resources{% endtrans %}