--- label: 'Uninstalling an unused theme' related: - core.appearance - system.theme_install --- {% set themes_link_text %}{% trans %}Appearance{% endtrans %}{% endset %} {% set themes_link = render_var(help_route_link(themes_link_text, 'system.themes_page')) %}

{% trans %}Goal{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Uninstall a theme that was previously installed, but is no longer being used on the site.{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Steps{% endtrans %}

  1. {% trans %}In the Manage administrative menu, navigate to {{ themes_link }}.{% endtrans %}
  2. {% trans %}Locate the theme that you want to uninstall, in the Installed themes section.{% endtrans %}
  3. {% trans %}Click the Uninstall link to uninstall the theme. If there is not an Uninstall link, the theme cannot be uninstalled because it is either being used as the site default theme, being used as the Administration theme, or is the base theme for another installed theme.{% endtrans %}