--- label: 'Running reports on your site' related: - core.maintenance - core.security - system.config_error --- {% set status_link_text %}{% trans %}Status report{% endtrans %}{% endset %} {% set status_link = render_var(help_route_link(status_link_text, 'system.status')) %}

{% trans %}Goal{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Run reports to learn about the status and health of your site.{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Steps{% endtrans %}

  1. {% trans %}In the Manage administrative menu, navigate to Reports > {{ status_link }} to see a report that summarizes the health and status of your site. If there are any warnings or errors, you will need to fix them. Take note of any upcoming highly critical security releases that may impact your site.{% endtrans %}
  2. {% trans %}If you have the core Database Logging module installed, in the Manage administrative menu, navigate to Reports > Recent log messages to see a report of the error and informational messages your site has generated. You can filter the report by Severity to see only the most critical messages, if desired.{% endtrans %}
  3. {% trans %}If you have the core Update Manager module installed, in the Manage administrative menu, navigate to Reports > Available updates to see a report of the updates that are available for your site software. If Last checked is far in the past, click Check manually to update the report. Scan the report; if the core software or any modules or themes have security updates available, you should update them as soon as possible.{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Additional resources{% endtrans %}