{# /** * @file * Theme override for a views mini-pager. * * Available variables: * - heading_id: Pagination heading ID. * - pagination_heading_level: The heading level to use for the pager. * - items: List of pager items. * * @see template_preprocess_views_mini_pager() */ #} {% set pager_action_classes = [ 'pager__link', 'pager__link--mini', 'pager__link--action-link' ] %} {% if items.previous or items.next %} <{{ pagination_heading_level }} id="{{ heading_id }}" class="visually-hidden">{{ 'Pagination'|t }} {% if items.previous %} {% apply spaceless %}
  • {{ 'Previous page'|t }}
  • {% endapply %} {% endif %} {% if items.current %}
  • {{ 'Current page'|t }} {{ items.current }}
  • {% endif %} {% if items.next %} {% apply spaceless %}
  • {{ 'Next page'|t }}
  • {% endapply %} {% endif %} {% endif %}