--- label: 'Viewing Drupal announcements' top_level: true --- {% set actions_link_text %} {% trans %}Announcements{% endtrans %} {% endset %} {% set actions_link = render_var(help_route_link(actions_link_text, 'announcements_feed.announcement')) %} {% set permissions_link_text %} {% trans %}View official announcements related to Drupal{% endtrans %} {% endset %} {% set permissions_link = render_var(help_route_link(permissions_link_text, 'user.admin_permissions.module', {'modules': 'announcements_feed'})) %}

{% trans %}What are Drupal announcements?{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}A feed of announcements about the Drupal project and Drupal Association programs.{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}The purpose of this feed is to provide a channel for outreach directly to Drupal site owners. This content must be highly relevant to site owners interests, serve the strategic goals of the project, and/or promote the sustainability of the project and the Drupal Association.{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}The module sources its content from a JSON feed generated from here. The governance policy for the content is documented here.{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}How can I see the Announcements in my site?{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}If you have the toolbar module enabled, you will see a direct link to them in the toolbar. If the toolbar module is not enabled, the content can always be accessed in the {{ actions_link }} page.{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Who can see the Announcements?{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Users with the {{ permissions_link }} permission can view Drupal announcements.{% endtrans %}

{% trans %}Additional resources{% endtrans %}